Pronunciation of Dutch Masters’ Names

If you want to learn how to pronounce the names of Dutch masters correctly, click here. “Peter de Hooch” makes a more gutteral sound than I originally thought.

  • Kelly says:

    And that is why Dutch is so cool.

  • LeGrand says:

    My Senior Thesis was on Dutch images of young women–mainly focusing on those by de Hooch. Blah blah blah. Anyway, since it was about young ladies, who were often hanging out with soldiers and alchohol, Jaime suggested I call my paper "De Hooch's Hoochies."

    We were both thoroughly disappointed when we found out how his name was really pronounced and I had to change the name of my paper. I've probably told you this before.

    Also, I was hoping to see Van Gogh on the list, even though he isn't a master. I'm pretty sure I always heard Campbell pronounce it Van Goff, and I want to know if the rest of us are saying it wrong since he is a genius

  • M says:

    Ha! Josh, you crack me up. I didn't realize that you wrote on de Hooch for your senior thesis – what about your undying love for Holbein? At least you are consistent and only study painters whose names start with the letter "H."

    That being said, I would have wanted to write a paper that was entitled "De Hooch's Hoochies," but only if it really rhymed. I bet you were disappointed. Maybe you could have titled it "Who Let the Hooch Out?" and pronounced "Who" with a open mouth/gutteral sound, just for effect.

    I wonder if Martha would have liked either of those titles…

    And? Campbell is a genius. I also wondered about his Van Goff pronunciation. Either it's his Australian accent, or he knows something that we plebs haven't figured out.

  • The Clever Pup says:

    I use a site called Forvo that has native speakers pronouncing common words.

    Van Gogh sounds a lot like Van Hoch.

    You have a great site. I'm a follower.

  • M says:

    Wow, Forvo looks like a great site! Thanks for that recommendation, The Clever Pup.

    If anyone is interested, you can access Forvo here.

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